Advent Projects for Kids

Yes, Advent has already started. But given that today is only December 2nd, I'm guessing a lot of families besides our own haven't started any Advent activities.

Last year, I offered some thoughts on observing Advent with kids, but this year, I want to focus more on home made activities kids will enjoy. Here are some of my favorites:

* A printable Advent chain. Let kids cut the paper into strips and form one chain for each day of Advent. Best of all, let them follow the suggestions (like "Offer to set the table for dinner," "Write 'I love you' notes to your parents and hide them under their pillows," and "Clean your bedroom without being asked."). Here's something similar, but instead of suggestions on each chain, there is a Bible verse to read.

* A paper Christmas tree Advent calendar. So easy!

* A surprisingly attractive Advent calendar made with toilet paper rolls.

* A simple idea for an Advent banner made with string, envelopes, and laundry pins.

* A similar idea, using plastic cups, string, and laundry pins. This one looks super-easy and perfect for the frazzled mom.

* A so-cute paper doll Advent calendar.

* This Advent calendar is really attractive, but still relatively simple.

Give one a try! It's something your kids will remember for many years to come.

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